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Strengthening Financial Resilience Macroprudential Policy Against Climate Risks
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Strengthening Financial Resilience: Macroprudential Policy Against Climate Risks

This article delves into the application of macroprudential tools for effective climate risk management within the banking sector, following a recent research paper from the European Central Bank (ECB).

Case: Helping a Dutch bank improve ESG risk management

Discover how RiskSphere contributed to an improved (ESG) data management framework, adding to a solid framework for managing risk and finance data.

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: accountability and opportunity are knocking!

The CSDDD, passed on April 24th, 2024, mandates large companies to manage sustainability risks, with fines up to 5% of turnover for non-compliance. Starting in 2027, it emphasizes risk management, stakeholder trust, and operational efficiency.

A Dual Approach to Transforming the Financial Sector

Explore how the financial sector can bridge its 'purpose gap' through regulatory reforms and cultural shifts, crucial for sustainable economic practices. Dive into the dual approach outlined in this article.

The End of Risk and the Last CRO: How Climate Adaptation Will Change Your Business Forever

Discover how climate adaptation is reshaping risk management forever. From the notion of a "risk singularity" to the evolving role of CRO's, explore the profound changes ahead.

Harnessing the Power of ESG Dashboards in Climate Risk Management

Discover the influence of EU sustainability and ESG criteria on the insurance sector, the hurdles in embracing these frameworks, and strategies for adapting to evolving regulations for enhanced climate resilience.

Solvency II and Sustainability: The EU’s ESG Mandate for Insurance Companies

Explore how EU sustainability and ESG standards impact insurance, the challenges of adopting these measures, and ways to navigate the changing rules for climate resilience.

Climate risk stress testing: From predictions to preparedness

Mastering climate risk stress tests is vital for financial institutions. With European mandates in play, understanding the nuances is key. Explore the future of climate-conscious finance.

Degrowth: Finance’s secret weapon against climate chaos

This article emphasises the financial sector's role in the climate crisis and its post-growth potential. It urges the sector to align with planetary limits and champion social impact.

Climate risk management: Navigating the heat in a changing world

Learn how the latest changes (IPCC report) can impact your business and how to harness the power of scenario analysis and stress testing to drive sustainable growth.

ESG and the necessity to adapt

This article delves into the history and significance of ESG, exploring its origins, key dimensions, and the pressing need for its adoption in today’s business landscape.

Helping a Dutch Promotional bank understand ESG risks and opportunities

Discover how RiskSphere improved a Dutch bank's ESG risk management, building a robust framework for risk identification, stress testing, and scenario analysis, enhancing policy and insights.

A word from our partner Henk-Jelle: The guiding values of RiskSphere

Our partner Henk-Jelle shares his journey to establishing RiskSphere and sheds light on the values that define our company's operations.